Thursday, December 26

Humason Christmas: Logged

8:19 am
My siblings need to wake the heck up. I am not a patient person when it comes to Christmas morning.

8:54 am
Okay well my sister is awake but that still doesn't help me if we're missing my brother.

9:00 am
In my family it has apparently become the older sister's job to jump on my bed saying "IT'S CHRISTMAS IT'S CHRISTMAS!" She missed it today. So she just jumped on me instead.

9:15 am
As the youngest child, I think it is now my duty to wake up my brother and his wife. Granted, I have never used this privilege before but there's a first time for everything.

9:24 am
FINALLY they're awake now get your butts down here you can wait to shower.

9:49 am
Stockings: check.

10:01 am
Best. Coffee cake. Ever

11:35 am
I almost enjoyed watching people open the presents I gave them better than getting my presents.

11:45 am
But I mean I did get a curling wand....

12:13 pm
Who needs real food when we have snacks.

1:00 pm
"...And then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel."

2:34 pm
A wild nap appears

3:46 pm
I'm no expert, but from what I can tell Settlers of Catan looks like an over-glorified game of go fish with some world domination mixed in.

5:03 pm
When is food


6:18 pm
Yesterday I explained to a girl from China that Americans just celebrate everything with copious amounts of food. Case in point: this dinner.

6:38 pm
My stomach feels like it expanded a few inches.

6:42 pm
Brother-in-law: "I'm 9 months pregnant with dinner."

7:17 pm

8:09 pm
Family games

8:38 pm
More family games

10:53 pm
I swear on the high heavens if I lose this game of Phase 10 I will stage a revolt.

11:00 pm
Sister upon winning the round: "*Smacks cards on table* Boom, friends."

11:38 pm
Making a comeback. I can still win this.

11:58 pm

11:59 pm
And now to lie in wait to see who gets more points than me.

12:00 am

12:12 am
I sort of technically got second but basically I DIDN'T GET DEAD LAST.

12:26 am
As far as Christmases go, I can accept that maybe this hasn't been The Best Christmas Ever. But compared to last year it's like night and day. Because while I haven't gotten my favorite present ever, they have all been thoughtful and personal. And more than any gift I could have possibly gotten; all of my family is here, in-laws and all. For the first time, and possibly the last for a while. And I almost don't even care about the presents. I just want this time with my family to go on forever. I don't want to go back to real life. Because this is so much better. So all in all, though this isn't the fairy tale Perfect Christmas, it's one I will be able to cherish forever.

12:30 am
And now it is most definitely time for bed.

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