Tuesday, December 18

"They Took My Wisdom"

Well actually, they took 4 of the most useless teeth created. But a high school friend of my brother's said they took his wisdom (ironically on the same day they took mine) and it sounded way more awesome.

So yesterday I got up and my dad took me to the oral surgeon. Cue me being terrified out of my skull. I mean sure, everybody says it's not that bad but you never forget that one horror story you know you've heard. Plus, I had to watch both my siblings go through it. So, you know, a nurse took me back into this small room where she asked me all kinds of awkward questions like if I had HIV or was pregnant or did drugs or alcohol. And then after learning that I am blissfully normal, she left. Then the surgeon came in and told me all sorts of things that could go wrong, and then assured me that they almost never do.Almost.

So anyway, they then escorted me from innocent little exam room to oh-look-surgical-table-and-sharp-tools. This is where my memory starts getting a little fuzzy. They made me take off my glasses and my jacket and lie down on the table of doom. One woman sat behind me, which she said was so she could keep my mouth open while they removed my teeth.

Okay, so I feel like I was more entertained by all the stuff I was hooked up to than I should have been, although that might have been the laughing gas. But seriously, I had a heart monitor and a finger cuff and an IV. I felt like I was in a TV show or something. I almost wish I had been more coherent for it. And the laughing gas just made me feel like Tris on Peace Serum which made it 20x more awesome. The lady put the little gas thing over my nose and told me to breathe normally through my nose, and if my hands started to tingle that meant it was working.

She and the surgeon and another nurse started asking me about school and college and stuff, and I was kinda trying my hardest not to giggle at everything and make my voice sound normal. I knew it was the laughing gas doing stuff to me, but there wasn't really that much I could do about it. I vaguely felt them put the IV in my arm and tape it there, but it really didn't have much of an effect on me. I'm not sure what it was that put me to sleep but the last thing I remember was them talking about the news reporters on news channels. Don't even ask me how the conversation got there.

The next thing I only kind of remember is sitting up on a bed thingy on the other side of the room. I think I took a picture of myself with my iPod to see if I looked weird or not. And then I think I maybe remember having a nurse help me walk down a hallway and I couldn't really stand up straight, let alone walk. It was all a very weird experience.

And then somehow I ended up on the couch at home. My bottom lip felt like it was the size of a blimp and I couldn't really talk very well even after I took the gauze out of my mouth. Somehow I had gotten my glasses and my jacket back, although I have no recollection of that whatsoever. I was also informed by my dad that a nurse had helped me out to the car which I don't remember at ALL, or the drive home for that matter.

My mouth has gone through stages of discomfort. First it was the swollen bottom lip, and then the swelling started to go down, but my bottom lip felt absolutely freezing for whatever reason and it was driving me nuts and wouldn't go away. So finally that went away and I looked relatively normal. Until this morning, that is. Now my cheeks have swollen significantly and are starting to bruise a little bit. It's like, you know those apps for iPhones and Androids and stuff where you can take a picture of someone and make them look fat? That's kinda what it's like. It's really weird.

Well anyway, that's all I have for now. I'll blog again when I can actually do something other than sit on the couch and watch movies.

So long internet people!

Wednesday, December 12

Books I Read Over and Over Again

It's no secret that I love reading. A lot of people read a book once and then don't read it again because they already know what happens. Yeahh..... not me. Books become like old friends to me. I get so attached to them that sometimes when I'm in the library I'll see a book I've read and I just smile at it. It's really weird actually. Sometimes I just pick them up, hold them, and then put them back on the shelf. I recently read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (READ IT. But prepare yourself emotionally.) and I couldn't give it back to the library. It just sat in my room and I would pick it up every once in a while, then put it back and go on with my life.

Anyway... There are some books I love so much that I just read them over and over. It's a very VERY long list, but here are the best of the best.

1. Ella Enchanted
I think I've read this... three times? It's just so hard not to love. Come to think of it, everything by Gail Carson Levine is just gold. Which leads me to the next book..

2. The Two Princesses of Bamarre
Also written by Gail Carson Levine. I have literally read this book six times. I am not even kidding right now. I read it for the first time when I was about twelve and I still absolutely adore it. I actually own a copy now, but I'm kinda considering checking it out from the library and "losing it" because that copy feels like MY copy. I've read that copy 5 out of the 6 times. I want it.

3. Divergent
You've probably already figured out that I'm obsessed with this book. I've read it three times since it came out... last year? Possibly 2010, I don't know. But, like, seriously. This one might pass up The Two Princesses of Bamarre at some point. It's that good.

4. Insurgent
Sequel to Divergent. Read it twice. I read it in a day and a half the day after it came out(some time in May). Then I read it again a couple months ago.SO GOOD.

I think I've read every book in this series twice. Except the last one, but that just came out. Give me time.

6. The Giver
I think it's funny, I never read this for school, but I love it, and all these people who did read it for school say they hate it. I'm like "What is wrong with you?!" I think it is getting more popular now though, since the dystopian thing is a lot more popular.I've read this one twice.

7.The Indigo Notebook
I read this book about once a year, usually in the summer. So far I've read it three times. I love it, but it makes me want to travel so badly. *sigh* I can't win

8. The Jumbee
This one is basically like Phantom of the Opera, but placed in the Caribbean. What could be bad about that? It's soooo good. I've read it... twice? Yeah. Twice.

9. The Sorcerer's Stone
I'm not entirely sure how many times I've read this book. Probably around 3 or 4. I just can't get over how good it is. I mean, I love the entire series, but this is the only one I own. It kind of cracks me up innocent the conflict is. And it's not even innocent. But I mean compared to Death Eaters and Horcruxes, it kinda is.

10. The Hunger Games
I've read the entire series twice, and the first book 3 times and it never gets old.

Well those are the best ones. I've started keeping count of how many times I've read books. I write little tick marks on the first page, just to see. It's kinda fun.

Anyway, off to my last Algebra class before Christmas break. YAAAYYY!!!!!

Friday, December 7


It's funny when I am and when I'm not inclined to create. Usually when I am in a creative mood, it's when I'm sitting alone at home in sweatpants and a t-shirt with my hair up in a bun and no make-up on. Like now, for instance. I never have the urge to write or compose or draw when I'm looking adorable, with straight hair and skinny jeans etc. etc. It's always times like now when I feel like I could journal for hours.

This has been random life musings with Lisa, tune in next time to hear Larry sing, "Bob is very angry. I hope he doesn't catch me. It's so hard to run with a sombrero on my head."

P.S. If you don't get that reference, we need to have a serious talk.