Saturday, July 24


Have you ever thought about it? I mean really thought about it? Seriously, I mean, out of the billions of people of the world, people just happen to find the one person that they can be truly happy with and are perfectly content to spend the rest of their lives with. And some of the time, it's someone you grew up with! But, who am I to be talking about this? What do I know about love? Other than what I've seen. Okay, I'll shut up now

Monday, July 5

New book prologue

This is the prologue for the book I'm working on, Nobody's Girl

You know that look?
Come on, yes you do.
It's the look all couples give each other. The one where they look at each other out of the corner of their eyes and smile slightly. The one that gives you the feeling they know something you don't. I never quite understood it, but that look
Changed. My. Life.
Let me explain.
I am an orphan. No mom, no dad.
I have been in three orphanages and eight foster homes, all by the time I was twelve.
All my life, I existed day to day with the agonizing knowledge that no one loved me.
Not one person.
When I was fourteen, I was dumped in orphanage number four after managing to simultaniously lose my foster father's job and almost kill their ten year old son with a shovel.
I told them it was an accident.
But nobody believes me.
I was in that orphanage for two years.
When I turned sixteen, I knew something had to change.
That's where "the look" comes in.