Saturday, May 26

'Ello Mate!

So, recently I was watching this video

Because I'm a geek and watch 1D's video diaries over and over because apparently I'm entertained by 5 guys sitting on a staircase being stupid. (You can watch said video here )

Anyway, at one point in the video, Louis (The one wearing the blindfold) is "reading" a question that says "If you couldn't bath in water, what would you bath in?". Of course, his voice is slightly muffled because he has the paper shoved up against his face. Because he's Louis, and he does stuff like that. When I first watched the video, I swear I heard him say, "If you couldn't faff in water, what would you faff in?" Then I got to thinking, how many Americans even know what "faff" means? I feel like that can't be normal. It then occurred to me how much British slang I have actually picked up on. This is partially from watching One Direction videos, partially from this guy

Charlie McDonnell, known to the internet as Charlieissocoollike. This particular screen shot is from my favorite video of his, Charlie Reads Twilight. ( href="http:// )

And also.... I watch/read a lot of Harry Potter.

So... yeah.

Oh, and just in case you were wondering, "faffing" is a verb that means to not really do anything. Example: "today all I did was faff around and watch episodes of Psych."


Friday, May 25

Life Lately

NOTE: I have decided to swamp this post with pictures. Because I'm bored.

Well, recently my life has been pretty exciting. School ended. YAAAYYYY!!!!!! Then I had my play, which was SUPER fun. The play was Arthur's Stone, Merlin's Fire. I played Arthur's foster mother, Ludmilla

and the Lady of the Lake

It was soooo much fun. I absolutely loved it. I can't wait for next year!

So then, I moped around the house for a while. Went to dance. Got a job! I am now a proud employee of Graeter's Ice Cream. :D

More recently I have spent my time gaming

reading, and spending hours on Instagram looking at One Direction pictures. I just love them.

Yesterday was my last event of the school year! Dance recital! It went pretty well. There was stuff I wished I could have done better, but there always is.

I spent Wednesday night (when I had a horrible case of insomnia) organizing my costumes.

I had 5 this year. Then, yesterday, RECITAL!!!

Which means I got to hang out with this gorgeous chick, whom I am going to miss like CRAZY.

And today, all I will be doing is this.

So, basically, absolutely NOTHING. It's pretty exciting.

Welp, over and out.

Tuesday, May 8

Why I Love Dancers.

I love dance. If you hadn't figured that out already. I really really love it. I also love my dancer friends, and I'm beginning to notice distinctions between them and normal people.

Dancers are stubborn. If they get hurt, they only sit down if it's absolutely necessary. For example, my friend Nikki is falling apart, I swear. And yet, she only sits down when she absolutely needs to. Even when she's got, like, five of us going "Nikki, sit. Down." We do make her be careful. We don't want another panic attack.

Since my dance company is filled with all girls, we talk about EVERYTHING. I'll spare you the details so I don't scar you for life, but think of the most awkward subject possible, and we have probably talked about it. We're also just super awkward around each other all the time. It's hilarious.

I've noticed recently, we all brag about our injuries. And we wear them proudly. I guess other people do this, but seriously. We run around limping and people are like "What's wrong?" And we're like "Oh, just a charlie horse. It'll be fine." Me personally, I think my pinky toes are permanently more red than all the others.

We take pain more lightly than other people do. My drama teacher was talking about shoes for me to wear for the performance. I told her I could wear my jazz shoes. She was asking if they would hurt or give me blisters or anything. I said no, because they don't, but I was thinking "Eh, who cares. It's not like I don't have any already." And honestly, even if they did hurt my feet I'd wear them anyway. Some of my friends too, if something hurts, they dance anyway and ignore the pain. Or the mark it instead of doing it full out. Either way, they never want to sit down.

We see nothing wrong with running around in little tiny clothes. Mostly because we do it all the time. We're always wearing tights and usually shorts, but still. We see nothing wrong with it, even though it might not be socially acceptable. I have on occasion gone into a building wearing my dance clothes not even thinking about it. I got some weird looks. One time, my friend had to remind me to put pants on over my shorts. I was like "..... right. that."

Anyway..... that's all. Nothing too exciting. Just 3 days of every week of my life.


Friday, May 4

Why Am I Always Blogging About Books?

Oh yeah, because I'm always reading books....

So on Wednesday, I bumped up my geek-meter to a whole new level. I went to a book signing. Yup...

So, anyway, I had been on Facebook and happened to see that Veronica Roth (afore mentioned in the previous... what, two posts? Yeah...) was going to be at Joseph-Beth bookstore in Cincinnati. I wrote on my friend Ben's wall (Because he is as obsessed with Divergent as I am) and told him, jokingly, that we should go. He actually planned things out and worked it out so we could go. This is why we work well together. I come up with ideas, and he makes them happen.

So, anyway, we're at Joseph-Beth, meeting Veronica Roth the day after her 2nd book comes out. No big deal. Except that it's a HUGE deal!!!

This was the sign on the door when we got there. It took all my willpower not to squeal like a twelve-year-old. So then we each bought one of the books, and waited around for a while. Then Veronica came out, read from the book, and answered people's questions (Including mine. Not that I freaked out or anything.). Then we had to wait forever to have our books signed.

Yes. That is her. *HERO WORSHIP!!!* I kept thinking of all the intelligent things I should say to her. But, in the words of Ben, not a single intelligent thing was said that day. I told her I liked the red streak in her hair. That was it. *facepalm*

And, yes. I now have a signed copy of Divergent. :D :D :D :D

Ben has exams this week, so he made me take Insurgent away from him so he wouldn't be reading it instead of doing his work. Needless to say, I finished it this morning. It was FANTASTIC, but it has the biggest cliff-hanger, probably ever. I would really love to do something illegal to get the manuscript for the 3rd book... I can't wait another year. I won't give away anything about the book, because since it only came out a few days, and not many people have read it, I know a lot of people would be unhappy about me spoiling it. (Yes, Ben. I'm talking about you. Hehehe. I feel like a mind reader knowing that you are reading this. Which I shouldn't, since you've told me you do. Still...)

So, now that I am completely unhappy and don't want to go back to the real world.... I'm re-reading the first book.

I think I have a reading problem.....
I might need therapy....

*Dies from waiting too long for the next book*

P.S. I saw this license plate on the way into the book store. And also, another car had the little stick figure family stickers on their back windows. Only instead of stick figures, they were Star Wars characters. I love being surrounded by geeks...