Sunday, February 12

Why Would I Want to Do That?

It has become a common occurrence that I get told I act like a five year old. Sometimes by people I don't know. I'm completely fine with this accusation, and it's 100% true. I just find it funny. I mean really, who doesn't want to be 5 years old again? Things were so much simpler back then. I honestly just don't see the point in taking life as seriously as some people do. Half the things we worry about in life don't really matter. Some people tell me to grow up, but why would I want to do that? But yes. I have a list of reasons why this accusation is true.

1. I am a play baby. I love jungle gyms and playgrounds and coloring. I also get really excited about things that you can bend and move the parts around. Like tinker toys. And silly putty. I actually carry silly putty around in my purse.

2. I. Love. Disney. Like, more than a normal person. I think The Little Mermaid is my favorite. Or Robin Hood. Or Sleeping Beauty. Or Tangled. Or Aladdin. Basically, I just can't pick. I got Tangled for Christmas and I literally watch it once a week if not more. I also have the soundtrack and can sing every word of every song on it. And, my friend went to DisneyLand (I was SUPER jealous) and he brought me back a Rapunzel pin which is now on my backpack. I love it so much.

3. In relation to the last one, I still kinda really want to be a Disney princess when I grow up. Like, literally, that would be the best job ever! You get to walk around DisneyLand all day and fulfill the dreams of little kids. Plus, I hear a rumor that as part of their pay, they get to live at the park. O.O

4. I color frequently. And I take it very seriously. I have to make sure everything is accurate from the color of their eyes, to the shade of the color. I literally will be looking at a picture of the characters as I am coloring to make sure I'm doing it right. Also, I got a 48 pack of crayons in my stocking for Christmas this year. I flipped out. And then I organized them in rainbow order. Yup....

5.I squeak. A lot. Like when someone pokes me or I see something cute or I get really excited about something.(*or a new Hunger Games still is released*)

6.I love fantasy. And yeah, like dark fantasy with werewolves and evil pixies and warlocks and stuff, but I still love fairies and princesses and magic mirrors.

7.Well, as you know I'm a dancer and I get all sorts of pretty costumes. But, seriously, what little girl doesn't dream of being a ballerina? And I'm a pointe dancer, so I'm like living in the fantasy of my childhood, which is ridiculously fun. But I do get excited when our costumes come in and we get to wear the tiaras and fancy skirts and sparkles and all that. Actually, I wait for it from the moment Liz puts up costume pictures on the wall. Which is usually around 3 or 4 months in advance. heh. I'm still waiting in great anticipation at this point.

Well anyway, there's probably more reasons. Actually I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones I can think of. So, I hope you had fun living in my brain for a little while. It's scary in there isn't it?

P.S. I've noticed that I'm very motivated to blog recently. We'll see how long that lasts.

Saturday, February 11

Apparently the World is Ending

A couple of my friends recently mentioned that they've been reading my blog lately. This must mean the apocalypse is upon us. Seriously, I have followers? Weird....
Well, apparently today is nostalgia day, because along with re-reading my journals, after hearing this new development of a thing called "having followers" I went back and read my blog all the way to the very first post. Oh goodness... What was I thinking? a)Why on earth did I let myself make a blog at 14? I sound so retarded... and b)What was I thinking re-reading them? Also, I think I posted from my iPod a lot because there are quite a lot of type-o's that I could have gone back and fixed, but, frankly, that was too much work for this under-achiever.
It is kind of entertaining to see the inner workings of my mind two years ago. They say your brain does the most developing when you are a baby. I'm not totally convinced that's true. I think it happens when you're a teenager. I did say some pretty smart things though.
I'm now imagining myself years from now reading this post. It will probably go something like this:
Me: "Ooh! Look! My old blog!" *reads a few posts* "Um, what was I thinking?!? I was so dumb! Is there any way to completely wipe this off the internet? Because I'd like that option now, please and thank you."
But yeah. Anyway...
Did you know people actually think the world is ending this year because the Mayan calender ends? I'm just imagining some Mayan in a business suit falling asleep over his work and having it going to the press before he was done with it. Then he goes "Oh crap!!! I'm going to scar the human race for life! It'll be like Y2K all over again!" Why said Mayan is in a business suit and knows about Y2K, I have no idea. That's just my brain.
Okay, I have now officially posted more today than in the past three months combined, so I'll go.
See ya!

p.s. I said I was an under-achiever earlier. That's not necessarily true. I'm quite the type A sometimes.

That Awkward Moment When You Don't Know What to Blog About

Welp... here I am. Hi!
Alright, has anybody besides me gone through and read stuff out of their old journals? Because I was doing that this morning. I sounded so stupid even just a year or two ago.
If you don't know this about me, I love to journal. At this point in time, I have finished seven journals and I'm almost done with my eighth. This, however, is nothing in comparison to my sister. She has around 24 or 25 journals. That's, like, one for every year she's been alive.
My journal is probably pretty different from other people's journals (not that I would know. I don't go around reading other people's journals or anything). Mine are filled with random stories and scenes and poems that I write, along with the usual teenager stuff. Recently, my journal has been mostly occupied by notes from church and d-group along with prayers. I don't know what it is about praying, but for me, it's easier to do if I write it down. Maybe I'm ADD or something, but I always lose my train of thought when I try to pray by myself. If I journal a prayer, it usually ends up being about two pages long.
Also, I used to hate journals without lines. I kind of like them now. My current journal has no lines. I've found it's much more conducive to doodling. The only problem is, I can't write in a straight line, so my writing is usually crooked on the page.
Well anyway, it looks as if I found something to blog about. I could change the title now. But that's too much work.

(P.S. Okay, so about a week ago (it's March now, just so you know) I visited my sister and actually asked her how many journals she has now. I was way off. She has, like, over 50. Not even kidding. I will never live up to that...)

Sunday, February 5

Society, Football, and Entertainment

Alright so anyone who watched the half-time show of the Superbowl and/or has a facebook knows what I'm talking about. Madonna+flashy lights+millions of viewers= heavy criticism. Personally, I thought the half time show was pretty good. A little flashy, but good nonetheless. Then I got on facebook. Everywhere you turn you see someone bashing Madonna; telling her to get off the stage, stop singing, etc. Now, I'm not saying she deserves a Grammy for that performance, but really? These people I saw posting are all Christians. Is that really the Christian way to tell someone they were not so hot? Even if she never sees it, isn't it our intentions that count? I mean I realize that we are sinners and aren't perfect, but bashing Madonna is not a "woops". It's intentional. I don't know. This is probably just part of my "people are stupid" mentality. I'm just saying, "do unto others as you would have them do to you" applies to everything.

Thursday, February 2

Thoughts for the Day

So, last night I was informed that a water main break was getting fixed on our street today and they were turning our water off at 8. They said it should be out about 6 hours, but we really don't know when it will come back on. So, I set my alarm for 6:30-because I take a while to get up and, let's face it, I take long showers. I woke up this morning at 8:45. So, I'm completely pissed with myself because I woke up 2 hour after I meant to and I REALLY need a shower and now I can't take a shower until God knows when. My mom said if I really wanted I could go over to grandma's and take a shower there, but I said forget it. I'll just wait.
This, in turn, got me thinking about how spoiled I am. My whole morning was ruined because I woke up late and couldn't take a shower. Well, actually, I could walk a block to my grandma's house and take one there, but that's just too much hassle. And I mean, it wasn't like I could take one when they turned it back on or anything. *little petty voice inside my head*: "But what if it doesn't get turned back on before you have to go to dance? Then you'll smell bad BEFORE you start dancing! Woe is me!" *More rational voice inside my head* "Suck it up, sweet cheeks! It's not like you slept on a garbage heap last night."
But seriously, I've got my panties all in a bunch because I don't have water for a few hours? Most people in the world never have clean water. I let it run for a half an hour almost every day just so that I can look clean and presentable! In
Africa they sometimes have to walk for days to get one jug of water. I could walk 10 minutes to my grandma's house a block away, but nooooo that's just too much trouble. After that, I started feeling a little guilty for freaking out over my first world, white people problems.
Anyway, I still haven't taken a shower but oh well. I'll get one eventually. Now, off to focus on pursuing a higher education. A.K.A: Filling out a study guide and coloring in a map.
Remember how lucky you are to have water today!
Peace out!