Wednesday, March 17


Alright, i realize i just posted, but i want to show you some pictures i've taken

Alyssa Barlow! (With her sister Lauren behind her)

My big bro'

The Capitol Building

The Air Force Memorial in Washington DC. I'm pretty proud of this one.

My friend's little sister and American Bulldog.

My grandma's cat Abby

A fountain we had at our church for a while.


I've decided, Lent sucks. Now for all you non-Christians/Christians who have no idea what I'm talking about, Lent is the forty days before lent that we "Frozen Chosen" (Aka, Presbyterians) symbolize as the time when Jesus fasted for forty days in the desert. It is typical, during Lent, to give up something. For example, chocolate, (although I'm not sure what possesses people to do that. I think I would die) food one day a week, Facebook, etc. This is the first year I've attempted to give up something and let me just tell you, it sucks. See, sometime after Christmas, I went to Best Buy and bought myself a new iTouch. In the time I've had it, it has pretty much been permanently attached to my hand. Sooo... that's what I have up. Now, don't get the impression that I gave up music. I think I would die. Especially if I gave up chocolate and music! that would be catastrophic. Anywho, no I did not give up music, I still listen to my old Mp3, but I gave up all the apps. In some ways, it's been kind of nice being unplugged, but still. I can't just look up something as I think of it. The good thing is, I only have 17 days left! Easter morning the first thing I do when I get up will probably be to play sheep throw. haha. Oh, by the way, Happy St. Patrick's Day! I almost forgot. Top O' the mornin' to ya! ;)