Tuesday, May 13

The End of an Era

Hello there! If you are here looking for a new post from me, you aren't going to find one. I've decided it's time for me to leave this blog, for a few reasons.

1) I've had this blog for a long time, and it's kind of starting to feel cluttered to me.

2)I've hit a period of great change in my life and I think that deserves a new blog.

3)It's a pain in the butt logging out of my email every time I want to publish a new blog post because blogger and gmail decided they had to be integrated.

If you'd still like to keep up with me, my new blog can be found here.

It's been real!


Monday, May 5

Things I'm Afraid Of

Alternately titled "What Distance Does"

113 miles.
2 and a half hours.
One girl.
Visits occasionally.
Not enough.
One year.
Summer break.
Needs less.
Needed less.
"We should hang out."
We won't.
Visits school.
New Students.
Visits work.
New employees.
Visits friends.
New friends.