Tuesday, October 26

My New Appreciation

This year I started pointe class at dance and it has changed my view of all ballet. Friday I went to see Sleeping Beauty at Music Hall and the entire time my friend and I were clutching our toes going "The pain!!!". It really is amazing how these girls manage to do all the steps, let alone balance on their toes for so long. I mean seriously, that hurts. It's just amazing. I can barely do an soutenu turn without falling over (for all of you non-dancers, a soutenu is one of the most basic turns there is).
Now, these discoveries about the difficulties of the sport have made me wonder, why do we suffer through it? I think the most basic answer is, well, it's fun! Most dancers I know complain a lot, and they have reason to, but deep down, we all love it. Dance is what we thrive for. It's hot, sweaty, painful, and usually makes us sore for days, but it is our art. This is true for all dancers, not just pointe and ballet. I am taking a hip-hop class this year and it is probably the hardest thing I have ever done.
So let me tell you, whoever says that dance isn't a sport should try it for an hour or so and see how they feel afterwards.
Peace out!

Thursday, September 16


Hóla readers! Sorry I haven't written in so long. (I may or may not have forgotten about it) my lire has gotten sooo busy recently. As a homeschooler, I have never really had classes until this year. I am taking a lot of classes at co-ops and things. I never really understood the "boring classes" until now. I don't even want to pay attention in biology at all. I know pity you public schoolers. So, this is me saying, to all you public schoolers: hang in there. It'll all be over eventually.

Saturday, July 24


Have you ever thought about it? I mean really thought about it? Seriously, I mean, out of the billions of people of the world, people just happen to find the one person that they can be truly happy with and are perfectly content to spend the rest of their lives with. And some of the time, it's someone you grew up with! But, who am I to be talking about this? What do I know about love? Other than what I've seen. Okay, I'll shut up now

Monday, July 5

New book prologue

This is the prologue for the book I'm working on, Nobody's Girl

You know that look?
Come on, yes you do.
It's the look all couples give each other. The one where they look at each other out of the corner of their eyes and smile slightly. The one that gives you the feeling they know something you don't. I never quite understood it, but that look
Changed. My. Life.
Let me explain.
I am an orphan. No mom, no dad.
I have been in three orphanages and eight foster homes, all by the time I was twelve.
All my life, I existed day to day with the agonizing knowledge that no one loved me.
Not one person.
When I was fourteen, I was dumped in orphanage number four after managing to simultaniously lose my foster father's job and almost kill their ten year old son with a shovel.
I told them it was an accident.
But nobody believes me.
I was in that orphanage for two years.
When I turned sixteen, I knew something had to change.
That's where "the look" comes in.

Tuesday, June 15


So, I am now watching Julie & Julia, and I realized how long it is since I've been actually blogged. I am suprised at this, considering how much I love to write.
At the moment, I am writing about an orphan girl who has been in and out of foster homes and is now on her own after running away on her sixteenth birthday. I'm not quite sure exactly what the theme will be yet. Probably something about how much we need love in our lives.
Basically, the main character, May, does not believe that anybody loves her, which would be why the neccessity of love would be the theme. oops, got to go. i shall continue later

Sunday, May 16


For those of you who dont know what confirMarion class is, in the Presbyterian church you get confirmed as a follower of Christ and a member of the church through a class that you normally go through in eighth grade. I was a confirmation student this year and let me yell you, I was a little worried at the beginning. Most of the people in my class I've known since I was like four (or younger in some cases) but I didn't really knowost of them. I have now come to the conclusion that I love those people like heck. We had good conversations that were hardly ever awkward like it could have been with some people. I love this girl, Ariana. She is one of the coolest people on earth. Her sister, Alina, I love as well, although I didn't get to know her as well as I would like to have because she was gone a lot. If you know me, then you'll know that I am slightly at a loss when it comes to asociating with guys my age. All my close friends have been girls thus far, but I really got to get used to being with guys, an sometimes in situations that could have been awkward but weren't. That's why I love those people. I'm going to miss all of you!
Galations 6:9

Sunday, May 9

To be or not to be...

People are starting to ask me what I want to do when I grow up. That whole "What do you want to be?" thing. I am very envious of people who, from the time they can walk, know exactly what they want out of life. Those driven types ho want to be doctors, or lawyers, or dancers. My idea of what I want to do changes all the time. When I was little, I wanted to be an artist. Then it was a singer, although I still haven't quite given up on that. Now I want to be a writer or a singer(as I just said) or a missionary.
I think it is interesting that we are always asked what we want to do, not who we want to be. Our world revolves aroud this idea that money is success and success is status which, in turn, relies upon money. No one asks who you imagine yourself to be as a person, just what you can do that pays the bills. They do not ask If you want to be humble or giving or loving. The thing is,when you try to get those things worked into your occupation, you get sympathy. One of the frequently asked questions is "Oh, how much does that pay?" Of course most of us know that being missionary or a youth leader normlly doesn't get you the big bucks. People think
the admirable thing to do is be a lawyer so you can deliver justice, when in reality, the admirable thing to do is go to Africa or China or Ukraine and help people who can't help themselves.

Thursday, April 8


I had the most AMAZING night. I have to say, it started out pretty crappy, but the end was wonderful.
So, I go to this praise dance at my friend's church, and we just picked out the sing that we're doing our next dance to. Well, first we played musical chairs to it; which was kinda dumb but whatever. Then we drew pictures of what we thought of when we heard the song which was ok. Some of the things were pretty cool though. Then, we all went to our little separate corners of the room and were told
to dance to what we felt with the music. I actually went out into the hall so I wouldn't have to worry about anybody watching me and I danced like crazy. It was so cool. It was just this flow of steady movements that seemed to come from somewhere else. Except of course when I over thought it but you know. Then we all sat in a circle and did what we felt led to do. I heard my friend crying and went over and just hugged her for a while. Of course, that made me cry too. The coolest thug, though, was when the rest od the girls circled around us. It was really cool. It was like God had walked in and hugged every one of us. I could feel Him there. Then, when w all ha semi-pulled ourselves together, we prayed then left. Ihave been euphoric since. Not only that, but euphoria is just a really cool word. Alright. I'm going to go to sleep and dream of ("snow! It won't be log before we'll all be there with snow..." anyway) happiness. Goodnight!

Wednesday, April 7

Lalalalalal..... I'm bored and can't think of a good title

So, I was reading some of my older posts and realizing that I rant a lot! I really don't hate my life, I promise. And I'm not emo either. Really. Anyway, (I say that a lot too) yesterday, my mom and I were going to go to the Cincinnati Zoo, but we waited in line in the car for twenty minutes! By the time we got there the parking lot was full, so we just had to go home. It stunk. O wanted to see all the pretty flowers :( Gosh, what did we do before the little smiley/ frowny faces were discovered? [[insert frowny face here]]? That seems like an awful lot of effort to get a point across. Ooh!! The sun just came out! That makes me happy. It's so dreary out. Well, I've run out of unintelligent things to say, and I don't really want to take the effort to think of something intelligent sooooooooo.... Farewell, arivederchi, or however you spell it, adue, au revoire, syonara, Shalom, aloha, aaaaannnnnddddd I'm out of languages. Peace.


Saturday, April 3

One more day!!!!

Happy Easter a day early! I am so excited about getting my iPod back! I realize that sounds bad. I am looking forward to celebrating Jesus too, but I am really anxious to get Phillip back. That's what i named it by the way. and it's pronounced the French-sounding way. Plain old Phillip just isn't as cool. Not that it isn't cool at all or anything... I'm going to stop digging while I'm ahead. Anywho, I am soooooo happy it's warm!! or at least it is in Cincy. I actually only slept with two covers on last night. and i was in shorts! it was amazing. I did, however, find out that i have two pairs of shorts that fit me. i guess it's time to go thrift store shopping!

Wednesday, March 17


Alright, i realize i just posted, but i want to show you some pictures i've taken

Alyssa Barlow! (With her sister Lauren behind her)

My big bro'

The Capitol Building

The Air Force Memorial in Washington DC. I'm pretty proud of this one.

My friend's little sister and American Bulldog.

My grandma's cat Abby

A fountain we had at our church for a while.


I've decided, Lent sucks. Now for all you non-Christians/Christians who have no idea what I'm talking about, Lent is the forty days before lent that we "Frozen Chosen" (Aka, Presbyterians) symbolize as the time when Jesus fasted for forty days in the desert. It is typical, during Lent, to give up something. For example, chocolate, (although I'm not sure what possesses people to do that. I think I would die) food one day a week, Facebook, etc. This is the first year I've attempted to give up something and let me just tell you, it sucks. See, sometime after Christmas, I went to Best Buy and bought myself a new iTouch. In the time I've had it, it has pretty much been permanently attached to my hand. Sooo... that's what I have up. Now, don't get the impression that I gave up music. I think I would die. Especially if I gave up chocolate and music! that would be catastrophic. Anywho, no I did not give up music, I still listen to my old Mp3, but I gave up all the apps. In some ways, it's been kind of nice being unplugged, but still. I can't just look up something as I think of it. The good thing is, I only have 17 days left! Easter morning the first thing I do when I get up will probably be to play sheep throw. haha. Oh, by the way, Happy St. Patrick's Day! I almost forgot. Top O' the mornin' to ya! ;)

Saturday, January 23


Hey peeps. sorry i haven't posted in a while. I'm here in Kentucky visiting my sister at college. i have to say, college life is pretty cool. i've visited for the past what... three years? i'm sad though because my sister's a senior this year, so i wont be able to visit anymore. :( oh well. i'll enjoy it while it lasts. haha. my sister just walked in the room and goes. "Mmm i smell good, smell me" haha. well..... i really don't have that much to say. why did i even start a blog? i have nothing to say! well... ok that's a lie. i have plenty to say, i just really can't think of anything right now... MUSIC MAN! i loooooooove the music man. i hear they came out with one that has Kristin Chenoweth in it? i want to see it. our tape broke. :( i wish i could find a DVD of it somewhere. someday.. "when i'm awfully low, bla bla bla bla... i dont know the words..." anyway, that was supposed to be "The Way You Look Tonight." except i don't know the words. i should work on that. ok. i'm going to stop blabbing now. goodbye. have a good saturday. (or sunday if your in China. or would it be Friday?...)

Tuesday, January 12

Teenaged anxt or what ever the heck you call it

You know that feeling when you have a crush on someone who's completely out of your league? Someone deep and funny, but uninterested or just completely oblivious? (as all guys are ;)) I know that feeling all too well. I have a huge crush on someone completely wonderful, but does he notice? Nope. Of course not. And it's not like I'm going to tell him. I don't even know him that well to be honest. But he's great you know? Even if he isn't interested in me (which I can pretty much guarantee he's not) I would love to just hang out and get to know him. And seriously, it's not as if I'm in desperate need of a boyfriend or anything. I want one, I'm not going to lie, but still. I'm only fourteen. Anyway, thenks for listening to my insaneness once again. Peace.

Friday, January 8

The beauties of life should never be taken for granted

I am in a really good mood today. Reasons:
-my sister is home and we are just hanging out, which is reallynice.
-I have movie night tonight :)
-I get to see my besties who ihavent seen since before Christmas
-My brother is sortof home and has taken to torturing me :)
-There is at least two inches, if not more, of snow onthe ground
-Its a new year filled with all sorts ofnew possibilities
-...andbasically everything good in the world right now

Monday, January 4

Thoughts of the heart and mind

I'd like to say I know exactly what I am supposed to do. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. A lot of people probably thinkthat since I'm only fourteen I haven't had time to mess up my life. That is about as far from the truth as it could get. Sometimes I wonder if I'll pick the right path. I worried that I won't do what God intended for me. Pocahontas was more sure of her path then I will ever be. I like knowing what is going on. I hate not knowing, or not understanding. But I read a verse a while ago that has become my motto. It says "We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall." (Proverbs 16:33) I like that analogy. It tells us that no matter how much we screw up, no matter how we defy Him, His purpose will always be played out through out lives.