Thursday, January 3

Early Morning Hours

So you know how when you stay up late, nothing really seems weird? You feel completely normal, though maybe a bit tired, but things just don't seem as ridiculous as they would during the daytime. Like if you're texting someone, and you say something that's probably weird, but it doesn't feel weird because it's 2 o'clock in the morning. Then the next morning you wake up and think, "Did I actually say that? Good grief."

Not that I've ever done that. Nope. Not me.

Anyway, sometimes I feel like that's how life is. Sometimes the present is 2 in the morning, and the future is tomorrow morning when you remember what you said. Or maybe life is 2 in the morning, and the after life is tomorrow morning. Or maybe there's some of the first in the second. METAPHOR INCEPTION

It kinda makes me think of 1 Corinthians 13:12 "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror, then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." (NIV)

When we make decisions, we for the most part believe that we know the whole story. We feel our reasoning is completely rational. And then sometimes tomorrow morning comes, and we think "Well that was stupid." Sometimes I have this mental picture of me getting to heaven, looking back on my life and thinking "What the heck was I doing?"

I guess that's why we're taught to listen to God instead of ourselves. Because God's sense of time is not like our sense of time, so when it's 2 in the morning for us and we're delirious and stupid, it is the middle of the afternoon for God and his mind is perfectly clear. Actually, I think it's always the middle of the afternoon for God.
