Sunday, May 16


For those of you who dont know what confirMarion class is, in the Presbyterian church you get confirmed as a follower of Christ and a member of the church through a class that you normally go through in eighth grade. I was a confirmation student this year and let me yell you, I was a little worried at the beginning. Most of the people in my class I've known since I was like four (or younger in some cases) but I didn't really knowost of them. I have now come to the conclusion that I love those people like heck. We had good conversations that were hardly ever awkward like it could have been with some people. I love this girl, Ariana. She is one of the coolest people on earth. Her sister, Alina, I love as well, although I didn't get to know her as well as I would like to have because she was gone a lot. If you know me, then you'll know that I am slightly at a loss when it comes to asociating with guys my age. All my close friends have been girls thus far, but I really got to get used to being with guys, an sometimes in situations that could have been awkward but weren't. That's why I love those people. I'm going to miss all of you!
Galations 6:9

Sunday, May 9

To be or not to be...

People are starting to ask me what I want to do when I grow up. That whole "What do you want to be?" thing. I am very envious of people who, from the time they can walk, know exactly what they want out of life. Those driven types ho want to be doctors, or lawyers, or dancers. My idea of what I want to do changes all the time. When I was little, I wanted to be an artist. Then it was a singer, although I still haven't quite given up on that. Now I want to be a writer or a singer(as I just said) or a missionary.
I think it is interesting that we are always asked what we want to do, not who we want to be. Our world revolves aroud this idea that money is success and success is status which, in turn, relies upon money. No one asks who you imagine yourself to be as a person, just what you can do that pays the bills. They do not ask If you want to be humble or giving or loving. The thing is,when you try to get those things worked into your occupation, you get sympathy. One of the frequently asked questions is "Oh, how much does that pay?" Of course most of us know that being missionary or a youth leader normlly doesn't get you the big bucks. People think
the admirable thing to do is be a lawyer so you can deliver justice, when in reality, the admirable thing to do is go to Africa or China or Ukraine and help people who can't help themselves.