Wednesday, May 8


I don't know why, but recently my brain has just been like "WRITE A POEM ABOUT EVERYTHIIINGGGGGG" so here is a poem I wrote for my friend who just had a baby.

One day.
One day of life.
One day of air rushing through her lungs.
One day of a tiny heart pumping
Of little hands grasping
Of little feet kicking.
One day of sleeping.
One day of seeing her parents.
One, small, miniscule day of life.
One more day.
And more after that.
Days of laughter and exploration.
Days of sadness and disappointment.
Days where everything seems to go her way.
Days where the whole world seems stacked against her.
Days to learn
And grow
And laugh
And love
And hope
And dream.
Days for her parents to watch her grow up into a beautiful young woman.
Today is a big day.
Today is the start.
Tomorrow begins the journey.
Welcome to the journey, Stella.

Tuesday, May 7

Poem for a Friend

This might be kind of weird
But I have to say it.
I miss you.
We hardly speak anymore.
When did we separate so far?
Or maybe I should be asking
When did we become so close?
Our interests are nothing alike
But we bonded almost instantly.
And we sat in Spanish and drank orange juice and coffee
Out of your tiny kiddy cup.
We used to share food.
We had that accidentally matching pair of jeans.
We were next to inseparable.
But our interests have never been the same.
You love playing sports,
But they make me want to stab myself in the eye with a toothpick.
You know nothing about dance
But you watched your sister and me anyway
Just like I played at learning lacrosse for you.
When did that go away?
It was when I left, wasn't it?
I moved on, but you didn't.
And you made new friends.
And so did I.
And sometimes I wonder if you miss me like I miss you.
And I wonder if the Fine Freshman ever cross your mind.
And I wish that things could have ended differently.
But I guess
If it has to be like this
I want you to be as happy as you are.
I just wish I was a part of it.

Saturday, May 4


I have been so bad about posting lately, I know. It's not that I haven't had things to say. The problem is either I have no time to say it, or I start to say it and get scared about how it sounds and I never publish it. I have about five drafts sitting in my posts list that I just can't finish.

But really, the only time I ever think of something interesting to say, I'm in the middle of something and by the time I can blog about it, I don't remember. Either that, or I'll start writing and become disinterested after a while. Or I feel like the post might be too risky. (example: one of my unpublished drafts is "Politics")

I think part of the problem is lately I've been questioning just about everything I think and say. It's starting to dawn on me that not everyone has the same opinion as me. And while that's fine and dandy, I'm a little bit scared that people might not like my opinions, or by extension, might not like me because of my opinions.

Another thing is, I'm tired of just blogging whatever I'm thinking about at the time. I want to have something I'm doing that I can blog about. But the only exciting things I do are hang out with my friends, and no one cares to listen to me blog about that.

I haven't really been doing much creative writing either, aside from writing for school. I've had a couple ideas, but none of them have gone anywhere. Thankfully, over the summer I will most probably be taking a creative writing class from my favorite teacher in the world, so that might help get the juices flowing a bit more. I'll also be going to a theater camp for a week, and if that doesn't bring my creativity out of hiding I don't know what wil

Well, I guess I should go study for all the finals I have coming up next week. (Caaaaaaaaaan you feel the procrastination toniiiiiiiiiiight. It is wheeeeeere weeeee aaarrreeeeee.Well, okay, it's where I am) Hopefully after my play and dance recital and all that are over I'll have something exciting to talk about!

May your life be more writing-condusive than mine,